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Level on Snow

In order to better assess students' skill levels and track their progress, TONIK Ski School utilizes the following grading system:


Tonik Snowboard Skill Level

Tonik snowboard instructors all hold valid CASI official certificates, and the videos above are referenced from CASI videos on YouTube @CASIACMS.

*Tonik单板教练都持有有效的Casi官方教练证书,展示视频来源Youtube @CASIACMS

Tonik Ski Skill Level

Tonik ski instructors all hold valid CSIA official certificates, and the videos above are referenced from CSIA videos on YouTube @CSIA ACMS.

*Tonik单板教练都持有有效的CSIA官方教练证书,展示视频来源Youtube @CSIA ACMS.

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+1 647 609 9687



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